meet your own inner guide

Wisdom from Within

How would it be to meet your kindest, wisest Self?

We all experience uncertainty at times. Perhaps you're unsure of which way to turn or what your best next step might be? Maybe there's a particular question you're looking to answer in your life right now? Or maybe you'd love to open up your creativity and curiosity to hear whatever arises?

Prepare to connect deeply with your inner guide. Take time to rest deeply in the moment, quietening the noisy chattering of the conscious mind. And go on an inner journey to explore whatever your loving wisdom wishes you to know.

Meet your Inner Guide

1 hour course + bonus workbook £17

You'll receive...

  • Full guidance on how to approach this ImageWork practice
  • A carefully crafted meditation to invite the deepest relaxation into your whole body
  • Your guided journey to meet your own inner guide
  • A journaling prompt to deepen your connection with the wisdom you receive
  • Self-reflection questions to help deepen your journey

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    “Delight and gratitude for having done this. Healing.”

    “It was a revelation somehow!”

    “Thank you for creating a very safe space”

    About Henny

    Henny works with people who want to make and manage deep and lasting change in their life - professionally and personally. She is a PCC accredited therapeutic coach, ImageWork therapist, author, podcaster, public speaker, InsightTimer teacher and retreat host.

    Henny Flynn, photo credit Teresa North